Monday, 30 April 2012

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Painting yellow

Ok i knew i said it was "coming soon" about how to paint yellow, but since then i have found a much easier and better way to paint yellow. so now i have to start all over again with my step by step guide and take all new photo's. and after i complete the yellow step by step i'll do a short guide on how to paint chipping on you mini's like i have done on my IF marine in the previous post below.

i would just like to add that the imperial fist boarding marine i posted up, i entered into my local Games workshop for the national hero painting competition and i claimed 1st place in my local store so hopefully he'll please a few guys up a GW HQ :P

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

some Imperial fist WIP

This guy will be going straight in to my command squad when it's all completed. still thinking about what base to mount him on.