Monday, 31 December 2012

Death guard

Wanted to take a break from painting yellow. I love painting imperial fists but i just need a change. 

Recently i discovered a nice little way of painting white that doesn't take that long to do so i thought i would give a small force of Pre-heresy Death guard a go, i like there fluff and story behind them and have just made a small investment into a small force to start me off. 

So on the way to me i have ordered 30 mkIII armoured marines with 30 death guard shoulder pads, Legion champion and master of signals, and a Death guard legion contemptor dreadnought with close combat arm and twin lascannon, something to take care of any heavy armour. 

I want to get another 10 mkIII marines so i can have 2 squads of 20 men but that will have to wait while my bank account returns to normal. probably want some cataphractii terminators and a heavy weapon squad and add a few more men to make a command squad and that should do nicely for a small starter force. But as always with forge world products, you always want more.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Imperial Fist Command Squad

Imperial Fist Command Squad

Ok people, here we have my Imperial Fist Command Squad, I have had a lot of fun coming up with an idea for the command squad, building and painting them. They really are beautiful models. All I need to do now is to build and paint the Apothecary and hopefully that should be that for the command squad. It takes me a long time to really paint anything, i'm not the fastest painter in the world and i really don't get a lot of time to sit down and paint, plus i have to be in the right mood to want to paint anything at all but to finally have a squad painted up is a very good feeling. 

I know that two of the marines have full capes on them while the commander and banner bearer have ones that just sit over the shoulder. But i'm no good with green stuff and I wanted to make a little story behind the two different guys, it's not totally finalised but the two with the full capes are brothers, while one likes hand to hand combat the other prefers his heavy duty gear. I've not got any names yet for the two, I need to do a little scouting around to find some Imperial Fist sounding names.

But I hope people like them and what I have done to them, I know I do.

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Painting yellow guide link

here's the link to a page i made on how to paint yellow mini's

Monday, 30 April 2012

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Painting yellow

Ok i knew i said it was "coming soon" about how to paint yellow, but since then i have found a much easier and better way to paint yellow. so now i have to start all over again with my step by step guide and take all new photo's. and after i complete the yellow step by step i'll do a short guide on how to paint chipping on you mini's like i have done on my IF marine in the previous post below.

i would just like to add that the imperial fist boarding marine i posted up, i entered into my local Games workshop for the national hero painting competition and i claimed 1st place in my local store so hopefully he'll please a few guys up a GW HQ :P

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

some Imperial fist WIP

This guy will be going straight in to my command squad when it's all completed. still thinking about what base to mount him on.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Coming soon!!

Hopefully soon i will post a step by step guide on how i paint my imperial fist, i know yellow is a horrible colour to paint, so i hope my guide will help anybody that is not sure on how to go around painting it, so come back soon and see what i have for you guys :D